1 – Be polite and respectful
2 – No insults or racist terms
3 – No external links to website with potential chocking content, violent images or videos, or pornographic content
4 – All kind of advertisement is prohibited, whether it be in what your write, your pseudo or your profile picture
5 – No obscene or vulgar pseudonym, susceptible to offense anyone Same rule applies to profile pictures or any image that you’re sharing on the chat
6 – Explicitly vulgar and sexual chats are forbidden in this space
7 – Flooding the chat (sending sentences bits by bits) and spamming (sending several times the same message) are forbidden
8 – Abusive use of CAPS is forbidden On the Internet, writing with caps means that you’re shouting. Yet, it is asked to be respectful of the other users.
9 – Please report any inappropriate behavior by using the chat’s commands Moderators will take appropriate sanctions.
10 – As much as possible, try to chat in French. To practice is to progress! Be indulgent, everyone doesn’t have the same level: be supportive with the beginners!
English and other languages are allowed too.

You have some questions about French language (grammar, vocabulary etc)? Shoot away!

Canal Questions de langue